Some people find clowns creepy, but I really love them. I love a lot of creepy things, so maybe that's not too surprising. I'm on vacation in Arkansas visiting family and while I'm here I love going to estate sales. Today, I stumbled upon a collection of vintage paper mache clowns.
They were signed "Alvarez Mexico".
If they weren't so fragile, I would have taken all of them home. Aren't they great?
Each one stood from about 12 inches to 18 inches high!
One of my favorites was this little guy with an egg in a frying pan. I told my husband I wanted to take him home and he said, "so he can come to life and kill me in the night?" Now why would anything this sweet want to do something like that? ;)
I have two of these wonderful pieces, I love them. Do you know how to date them?